Clean Code for developers

We specializes in providing tools and solutions for code quality and security. Our platform offers code analysis and inspection tools to help developers identify and rectify issues in software code, ensuring it meets quality and security standards. Our services contribute to the development of reliable and secure software applications.

Clean Code for Developers


Improved Code Quality

It provides tools and solutions for code analysis and inspection, helping developers enhance the quality of their software code.


Enhanced Security

SonarSource aids in identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities in code, contributing to more secure applications.


Efficient Development

By automating code analysis, it streamlines the development process, reducing manual efforts and time required for code maintenance.


Reliable Software

The platform assists in producing reliable and error-free software, which is crucial for delivering robust and high-performing applications.

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Contact Info

Basel Office

2 maispracherstrasse,
4312 Basel

UK Office

2 Lakeside Drive, London,
NW10 7FQ

France Office

1b rue de la gare de Cuire 69300
Caluire et Cuire

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